Welcome to Vital Feet Podiatry in Rotorua. Your wellbeing is greatly influenced by your feet.
Looking for a Podiatrist in Rotorua? Podiatry services can help with all your footcare needs. Podiatrists are the medical professionals who most commonly deal with foot and lower leg conditions or problems.They treat a wide range of conditions including bone and joint disorders such as arthritis, soft-tissue and muscular pathologies and neurological and circulatory disease. Podiatrists also diagnose and treat any complications of the above which affect the lower limb, including skin and nail disorders, corns, calluses and ingrown toenails. Foot injuries and infections gained through sport or other activities are also diagnosed and treated by podiatrists. The four most common injuries or groupings of injuries are heel pain, achilles tendon injuries, shin splints, and knee pain. So if you’ve been searching for a Podiatrist in Rotorua, check out our list below
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Podiatrist services in Rotorua can be found on RotoruaNZ.info. If you have a problem or question regarding your feet then contacting your local podiatry specialist in Rotorua is the first step.
The average person walks 128,000 kms in a lifetime, equivalent to three times around the earth! So It's no surprise that so many people suffer with sore feet. A podiatrist is a health professional specialising in foot care. Podiatrists are trained professionals who deal with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of medical and surgical conditions of the feet and lower limb area. An important part of a Podiatrist's work includes the rehabilitation of the feet and lower limbs, whether from a medical or surgical condition your local podiatrist will work with you to restore your feet back to normal or to a comfortable state. A Diabetes Podiatrist has further experience in active foot disease particularly related to people with diabetes. People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are susceptable to damage to blood vessels and peripheral nerves, this can result in problems with legs and feet. Two main conditions are the result which are peripheral artery disease (PAD) and peripheral neuropathy. People with diabetes have an increased risk of ulcers and damage to the feet.
Not sure if you need to see a podiatrist? If you have a wound or a sore foot that won't go away seeing your local podiatrist or medical professional will help alleviate pain and get you on the right track. If you have any problem or query regarding your feet then having a consultation with your local podiatrist will help with a diagnosis for your issue or concern.
Senior care is a common area seen to by podiatrists. As we get older our feet continue to change shape and the ability to take the shock of every day aspects of life such as walking begins to reduce. There is also an increased risk of corns and callous resulting from diabetes and vascular disease meaning regular trips to the podiatrist will be important to maintain your feet and general health.
Podiatrists often see Children. Whether parents are concerned with the development of their child's feet or a specific treatment is required. Your local podiatrist can provide expert advice and suggestions regarding footwear and what is best for your child's feet.
If you need to see a podiatrist regarding a sports injury your podiatrist may work with ACC for injury management, ask your podiatrist if this applies to you.
The four most common injuries or groupings of injuries are heel pain, achilles tendon injuries, shin splints, and knee pain.
The most common cause of deep pain in the heel is plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the plantar fascia). The plantar fascia a broad band of fibrous tissue which runs along the bottom surface of the foot, from the heel to the toes. It helps to secure the arch. Long standing inflammation causes the deposition of calcium at the point where the fascia inserts into the heel bone.
Shin splints are defined as pain in the lower aspect of the medial (inside) tibia. The muscles and tendons are inflamed as well as the membrane around the bone. Shin splints are usually from repetitive stress or overuse. Medial shin splints are common in athletes who are increasing their level of activity .Anterior shin splints are soft tissue injury . The muscle and its attachment to the bone are inflamed. Like Medial Shin Splints, this is a repetitive or overuse njury.
The Achilles tendon connects the calf muscles in the lower leg to the heel bone. It is the largest yet most exposed tendon in the body. Achilles tendonitis is where the Achilles tendon, and sometimes the protective sheath through which it moves, becomes inflamed, causing pain and swelling symptoms.
Knee pain can vary depending on the cause of the problem, podiatrists can help to diagnose and treat knee pain or refer you to another health practitioner if appropriate.
Contact your local Rotorua podiatrist today to discuss your foot or lower leg problems.