- Regular Checkups
- Men & Women Health
- Sexual Health
- Family Planning
- Pregnancy Care
- Minor Surgery
- Travel Medicine
- Prescriptions
- Immunisations
- Referrals
- Specialists
Welcome to Ruatahi Medical Centre in Rotorua.
You may get all the medical treatment you need from our Rotorua physicians and nurses. We offer up-to-date, practical, and ongoing treatment. There are several small things we can do to reinforce our wellness and improve how we feel, regardless of how things are going in our lives. Feeling well and functioning well are the main components of mental wellbeing, and just like our physical health, we can all take care of and improve our mental health. Doing the activities that keep us healthy can improve our mood and perspective and help us create useful "buffers" that will enable us to adjust more quickly if circumstances are difficult.
Call us on 07 348 3002 for any further information or Click here to email us now!